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Carla talks more about why women need to be doing the Ocean Breath for sexual, health, and energy benefits.

Are you too struggling with feeling stuck in your relationship? Join me for one of my New York couples workshops, or find out how a private session with me can help.

This video is part of my new series: Tantric Sex and Vibrant Relationships.

Check back for a new video each week! Or join my mailing list to get notified when the next video comes out!

In this video, I demonstrate the Ocean Breath for you, the tantric breathing technique for women to increase pleasure, and get very in touch with their bodies.

Are you too struggling with feeling stuck in your relationship, or do you feel your sex life could be more passionate? Join me for one of my New York couples workshops, or find out how a private session with me can help.

This video is part of my new series: Tantric Sex and Vibrant Relationships.

Check back for a new video each week! Or join my mailing list to get notified when the next video comes out!

Every woman is different – and so is every orgasm. Carla shares the different types of female orgasm, and the best way to get to them.

Is your sex life struggling, or just not quite as hot and juicy as you want it to be?

I can help.

Join me for one of my New York couples workshops, or find out how a private session with me can help.

This video is part of my new series: Tantric Sex and Vibrant Relationships.

Check back for a new video each week! Or join my mailing list to get notified when the next video comes out!

Paul Drinkwater/NBCUniversal/Getty Images

Oprah has always inspired me, but when she declared in her Golden Globes award speech that “a new day is on the horizon,” it touched my heart and my soul and I’m sure it spoke to all women who keep a part of themselves secret, the part that they are afraid others will not accept.

Much like Oprah’s parents, my parents had different spiritual paths from each other.

My mother was a devout catholic. She went to church every morning at 6 am, even in bad weather, risking falling and hurting herself in the freezing climate of the Alps. She believed in the god of churches and priests. My father disagreed. He believed that God was everywhere, not just in Church. I overheard many battles on this topic. My father’s belief made more sense to me, and very early in life I decided to take my father’s path.

I started to connect with the beauty, power and innocence in nature. [continue reading…]

One of the questions that I am asked very often is “what is a Tantric Orgasm?  And how do you experience one?”

The Tantric Orgasm is a mind-blowing shift of energy in the body that comes with control and lets your reach peaks of pleasure beyond ordinary sex.

Are you looking for ways to take your relationships to deeper levels of pleasure and connection? Join me for one of my New York couples workshops, or find out how a private session with me can help.

This video is part of my new series: Tantric Sex and Vibrant Relationships.

Check back for a new video each week! Or join my mailing list to get notified when the next video comes out!